Alcohol Overdose: Causes, Risk Factors, and Symptoms

Alcohol Overdose: Causes, Risk Factors, and Symptoms

It’s caused usually by binge drinking and can lead to death or brain damage. If you see signs of alcohol poisoning, such as throwing up, seizures, slow breathing, or severe confusion, don’t hesitate to call 911. A low level of alcohol intoxication causes mild symptoms, while severe intoxication, or alcohol poisoning, can be life threatening. If you’re with someone who might have drunk too much, call 911 right away. If you or your friend are under the legal drinking age, you might be worried about the legal consequences. But alcohol poisoning is so serious, that not calling 911 could result in death.

alcohol poisoning

Alcohol can irritate a person’s stomach, causing them to vomit–even when they are unconscious. In such cases, someone is in danger of choking on their own vomit, leading to asphyxiation and subsequent brain damage.2 Never leave a person alone who you suspect has overdosed on any drug, including alcohol. Alcohol in the form of ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, is in alcoholic beverages. It’s also in mouthwash, some cooking extracts, some medicines and certain household products.


However, there’s no straight answer to the question of how much alcohol can kill you. Everything from your age to what you ate earlier in the day can have an impact. In every U.S. state, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of over 0.08%. If you survive an overdose without these complications, your long-term outlook will be very good. Because of alcohol-induced impairment, it is often assumed that someone who is intoxicated would accept help if able to do so. In some situations, a medical team may order imaging studies such as a brain computerized tomography (CT) scan to see if there is head trauma or bleeding.

  • An alcohol overdose, or alcohol poisoning, is one health problem that can result from too much alcohol consumption.
  • If an individual drinks alcohol on an empty stomach, their BAC usually peaks within 30–90 minutes.
  • A person can consume a fatal dose of alcohol before passing out.
  • Then, do what you can to keep the person safe until help arrives.

If you or a friend are drinking, pay attention to how much you consume and how quickly. If a friend appears to be drinking too much too fast, try to intervene and limit how much more they have. If the depressant effects begin affecting key functions of your body, like your breathing and consciousness, it’s considered alcohol poisoning. Every person is different, so there’s no way to know how much you can drink before you’re at risk of alcohol poisoning.

GABAA receptors

Meanwhile, the liver is able to process alcohol at a rate of about one standard drink an hour, so somebody who spaces out their drinks is likely to decrease their chances of dying from drinking alcohol. If a person’s BAC exceeds 0.31%, it is considered a life-threatening situation in which they immediately need to be brought into the emergency room. At this point, someone’s vital functions can slow so significantly that they could slip into a coma. The main concern here is aspiration, Sarah Andrews, MD, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, tells SELF. That means you run the risk of choking on your vomit and damaging your lungs or even dying. People cannot treat severe alcohol intoxication — or — at home.

Because an alcohol overdose can suppress a person’s gag reflex, they could choke and possibly die if they vomit while unconscious and lying on their back. If vomit is inhaled into the lungs, it can cause a person to stop breathing. Your height and weight determine how quickly your body absorbs alcohol.

What is the prognosis for alcohol poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning happens when you drink too much alcohol too fast. Below we’ll explore some of the factors that can contribute to alcohol poisoning and how long you’ll feel the effects. In addition to respiratory failure and accidents caused by its effects on the central nervous system, alcohol causes significant metabolic derangements. Hypoglycaemia occurs due to ethanol’s inhibition of gluconeogenesis, especially in children, and may cause lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis, and acute kidney injury. In addition to being aware of alcohol poisoning symptoms, you should also understand what you can do to prevent it from happening.

Alcohol use disorder includes a level of drinking that’s sometimes called alcoholism. Emergency medical attention is necessary at this point to avoid death and severe health problems. Most people call this stage of intoxication being “tipsy.” A person’s BAC at this stage might range from 0.03 to 0.12 percent. If a person has consumed one or less drinks per hour, they’re considered to be sober, or low-level intoxicated. Take action to protect your loved ones from an alcohol overdose.

Alcohol poisoning occurs when a person’s blood alcohol level is so high it becomes toxic. This typically occurs when people consume excessive amounts of alcohol in a short space of time. However, death is not the only consequence of excessive alcohol use.

alcohol poisoning

Talk to your children about the dangers of alcohol and possible overdose. According to the Mayo Clinic, open communication has been shown to greatly reduce the incidence of teen drinking and subsequent alcohol poisoning. If you experience an alcohol overdose, your outlook will depend on how severe your overdose is and how quickly you seek treatment. If you combine alcohol and drugs, you may not feel the effects of the alcohol. This may cause you to drink more, increasing your risk for an alcohol overdose.

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